Our unpaid volunteers need your help with this mission


Please donate today and help change the life of a child forever!

Become a TEACH sponsor. $30 a month ($360 a year) will give children an opportunity to continue their education. TEACH devotes 100% of student sponsors' donations to the children's education. TEACH is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt public charity (EIN 05-0521491). Donations are U.S. tax-deductible as allowed by law.


Current needs we are soliciting donations for

We currently have two needs:

Girls of Semuy High in the mountains above El Estor in Izabal, Guatemala, 35 girls live in a dormitory in the village of Semuy. They come from distant villages to study in middle school and high school. The school, was founded in 2008 by TEACH. In 2023, a partnership was formed with Fe y Alegria and the village community for operation of the school. This partnership has led to an increase in the number of students, which is a good thing.

TEACH support is now focused on the operation of the girls' dormitory and provision of scholarships for students who wish to continue secondary and post-secondary studies. 

An important TEACH value and priority is the education of girls.

We are seeking a congregation or a group that will 'adopt' this dormitory as a mission project. Funds would be used for food for the girls (3 meals per day, 7 days per week) and to pay a cook/housemother. Opportunities could include being a sponsor for one of the girls as well as travel.

Contact Board@teacham.org. More information at www.teacham.org.

Mattresses for boarding school girls in Semuy.  We have great news and new challenge:  In the girls boarding school in Semuy Basico School (middle school), we went from 16 girls last year (2024) to 35 girls this new school year (2025).  This growth is a great sign that we are delivering our mission of creating opportunities to educate more students who would otherwise go unschooled.  This has increased our need to care for the girls by more than double.  One recent need was to provide sufficient quality mattress to ensure the girls have a quality night of sleep every night.  We are hoping to raise $800 to meet this need.  These girls cannot successfully learn if they are not well rested and sleeping on wooden bunks without adequate mattresses would prevent them from waking up fresh every morning to go to school. Could you find it in your heart to contribute $25, $50, or $100 towards this cause?

Legacy Giving/A Bequest Through Your Will

Gift Planning allows individuals to make a charitable gift to TEACH of estate assets through your will or living trust. There may be considerable tax advantages. You may do it in several ways:

— A percentage of your total estate. Your gift adjusts with changes in the size of your estate.

— A gift of a specific amount. You specify a dollar amount to be given to TEACH.

— A gift of the residual of your estate. After all other payments a remainder goes to TEACH.

— A gift contingent upon other events when specific conditions are satisfied.

The language of a bequest is simple: "I give and bequeath (insert the percentage, amount, nature, remainder or conditions) to TEACH (Toward Educating America's CHildren), P.O. Box 188, Burke, VA 22009, for its general use and purposes."

For questions or more information and to notify TEACH, please contact teach@teacham.org