Educating underserved children in Maya communities in Guatemala



TEACH started to support this site in 2008. In 2019, TEACH is budgeting total funding for Semuy of $27,940 allocated to:  3 middle school teacher salaries; scholarships; dorm monitor; room, board and food supplement expenses for students; and classroom computers.

TEACH and funding partners had previously provided $10,000 for the construction of a computer classroom and $5,000 for construction of a dormitory. The computer facilities have been an important reason for the enrollment growth at this site.

Visiting the Semuy Institute is an adventure in off-roading: it takes an hour and a half to two hours through rugged mountain terrain to reach this Q’eqchi’-speaking village, which has no electricity or running water. Here TEACH, in addition to funding the three teachers’ salaries, has also found the funds for constructing the school building, and itself funded a generator to provide energy for the computer classroom. TEACH also provided seventeen computers so that every student in the school could receive three computer classes every week. In February 2015, a dormitory for girls was completed, for many parents felt that the long walk every day was dangerous.

Girls of Semuy

 High in the mountains above El Estor in Izabal, Guatemala, 35 girls live in a dormitory in the village of Semuy. They come from distant villages to study in middle school and high school. The school, was founded in 2008 by TEACH. In 2023, a partnership was formed with Fe y Alegria and the village community for operation of the school. This partnership has led to an increase in the number of students, which is a good thing.

TEACH support is now focused  on the operation of the girls' dormitory and provision of scholarships for students who wish to continue secondary and post secondary studies. 

An important TEACH value and priority is the education of girls.

We are seeking a congregation or a group that will 'adopt' this dormitory as a mission project. Funds would be used for food for the girls (3 meals per day, 7 days per week) and to pay a cook/housemother. Opportunities could include being a sponsor for one of the girls as well as travel.

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Graduation / Event 2018

Final Report for School Year 2018 - Prof. Ernesto Coc Xol

Please accept our cordial greetings. We wish you much success in your daily work and hope the Lord and Creator of the Universe showers you with His blessings.

The purpose of this communication is to bring you the final report for the school-year 2018.

The school year ended on October 31 for the graduating students, especially those of the third year of básico, and also for the second and first year of básico students.

These students will be continuing their diversificado studies. According to their parents, some of them may go to El Estor. They will decide which career path they want to follow.

Second Year of Básico: These students advanced to the third year of básico. Two students withdrew before finishing the school year. Their parents did not explain why their children dropped out of school. Two students failed the school year.

First Year of  Básico: These students advanced to second year of básico. Two students withdrew before finishing the school year. Their parents did not explain why their children dropped out of school. Three students failed the school year.

The dormitory was a success because 7 young women ended up living there with the teacher. Their parents made the following statement:

“We are infinitely grateful to you for offering our daughters the opportunity to live in the dormitory and avoid having to walk to school every day. Your support was very important because it made it possible for them to live together and do their homework at the Institute. Many thanks for your assistance. We lack the right words to express our gratitude. Thank you.”


Ernesto Coc Xol



Please accept my brotherly greetings. I wish you much success in your daily work and hope the Creator of the Universe showers His blessings upon you.

The Institute’s XI anniversary was celebrated from the 20th to the 24th. The parents of the students held a mayejak (thanksgiving to our Lord).

There different types of activities: the election of the Ratzúm Tzoleb’aal (the flower of the Institute); math and drawing contests; songs and dances. There were also rali games.

Many thanks for your support. Without it, we would not have been able to have this anniversary celebration that proved to be so much fun for the student body.

I am attaching some photos and videos of the activities.

Many thanks.


Ernesto Coc Xol


Traveling over this rugged mountain terrain to get to Semuy takes over an hour.


The bridge under construction at the left is now complete so the trip no longer requires driving through the river.


This is first thing that the TEACH delegation saw upon arriving at Semuy.


The large building at the left is the village meeting room.


The faculty, left to right: Pablo, Ernesto, and Imelda.


TEACH Board members Shari (left) and Claudia cutting the ribbon to inaugurate the new dormitory, funded by TEACH, for girls who live too far from the school to walk back and forth from home every day


Village women cooking large pots of chicken and vegetable soup not only for TEACH representatives but for the entire village. TEACH’s annual visits are a major event in their lives!


The welcome included a music and dance performed by the students.


Members of the TEACH Board meeting with the Semuy teachers and the members of the Institute Committee. The seven members of this Committee are parents of students in the school and are elected by parents of all the students.


A typical Maya dance. The students are wearing the dress that is typical of the Q’eqchi’ ethnic group.


These women of the Semuy village are also wearing the Q’eqchi’ traje.