Educating underserved children in Maya communities in Guatemala
Nueva Generación
TEACH supported this site from 2015 to 2016. The Guatemalan Government took over support of the school at this site in 2017. This was a successful transition to Government support allowing TEACH to initiate new sites for support.
Nueva Generación is a tiny village located on the bank of the Río Dulce about half way between the town of Río Dulce and Livingston. It is accessible only by boat. The village of eighteen Q’eqchi’-speaking families has never had a school. In the past, some of the youngsters were able to go to primary school in a village about half an hour by boat, but that opportunity no longer exists. Before TEACH opened a school in Nueva Generación in March 2015, there were twenty-five children, ages 6 to 16, who had never had a single day of formal education.
With TEACH funds, the village built a new primary school which provided an educational opportunity for the village’s children.